Rescue an important relationship..
Contact Analysis WAMarriage Counselling Perth / Relationship Guidance
Statistics pertaining to the incidence of divorce vary enormously from country to country, and make for truly disheartening reading. Regrettably this appears to be representative of an ever-increasing trend in today's society.
Interestingly, more often than not, the reason people don't appear to get on in a relationship, is seldom due to an issue of frank incompatibility (the all-too-convenient "personality clash" being a case in point); but instead its origins are more likely to be "contaminated thinking" - a reaction to an event not in keeping with the actual happenings - a misconstruing of thoughts, words, & deeds as having malicious intent, when in fact none was intended.
Frequently, an individual seeking Personal Counselling or Psychotherapy will sit down on the couch categorically citing "X" as being the difficulty in their life. Inevitably however, following deeper investigation, it happens that their trouble lies with an entirely different letter of the alphabet altogether. With this in mind, I always prefer to interview both parties individually at first for one perhaps even two consultations, before bringing them together; thus I get a flavour of how each person views life. I have always found this to be so much more productive than simply sitting both down together and trying desperately to establish the "language" that either person uses, whilst simultaneously acting as arbitrator and Therapist.
Commonly, no one person is wholly at fault; no one person is deliberately seeking to contaminate the relationship. Frequently it is merely a case of assisting both parties in realising the other's side and contribution to the union, whilst employing a new set of skills to free the cycle of unconscious destructive patterns.
As with Individual Therapy, the relative success or otherwise of Marriage Counselling and/or Relationship Counselling, lies to a great extent in each person's willingness to participate fully.
In conclusion, through education and intervention of this nature, willing couples acquire the tools along with insight to achieve great success and longevity in their relationships.
Talk to an experienced counsellor

"Commonly, no one person is wholly at fault; no one person is deliberately seeking to contaminate the relationship"
"willing couples acquire the tools along with insight to achieve greater success and longevity in their relationships"
For more information on our marriage counselling services, please see our website:
Marriage Counselling Perth.